
The Debate Over Courtney O’Connell
of Columbus, Nebraska

by Mat Smart
Directed by Jennifer Chang

Set in two acts, the first act takes place in present-day Columbus, Nebraska where Scooner (Jeff Galfer) challenges his ex-girlfriend's fiancee, James (Larry Herron), to a public debate over who should win the hand of Courtney O'Connell (Amy Ellenberger), invoking the Morgan Morality Act.

Courtney O'Connell, the subject of the debate, dated Scooner since they were teenagers and post-breakup got engaged two months later to James. Set up like a political debate, Thomas (Feodor Chin), a friend of Scooner, acts as the debate moderator asking questions like "Why are you the best man for Courtney?" and "How will you take care of her financially?"

Each candidate has 90 seconds to answer with a chance for rebuttal. Half-way through the play, the audience gets a chance to vote - it is a debate after all and choose who they think Courtney should end up with.

Act Two is the tale behind the Morgan Morality Act of 1894, which is said to be the bloodiest time in all of Columbus, Nebraska's history (if you believe playwright Mat Smart).

Presented at Cafe Metropol, a charming restaurant with a full bar and menu, The Debate Over Courtney O’Connell of Columbus, Nebraska featured musical performances before the show and during intermission, and eating/drinking during the show were encouraged.


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